About me

I’m a AI/Machine Learning Engineer at Masimo Corportation, building with real-time disease diagnosis/prediction systems equipped with deep learing algorithms. I have obtained my PhD in department of Bioengineering at UCLA. I’m also a member in Comutational Diagnostics Lab and Medical Imaging Informatics group under Prof.Corey Arnold at UCLA. My main research area is in applying machine learning algorithms on medical data and temporal deep learning models on electronic health record (EHR) for mobile health and early disease prediction.

Recent News


I passed the defense for my PhD degree at UCLA. The topic of my dissertation is Advancing Temporal Modeling and Heterogeneous Data Analysis for Digital Health.


I’m starting my career as a machine learning/AI scientist at Masimo in Irvine, CA,USA! I’m mainly responsible for developing and deploying clinical decision support systems based on machine leanring/temporal deep learing algorithms.


I’m starting my Deep Learning Engineer Internship at Bosch AI in Sunnyvale, CA,USA! My project is to develop an active learning algorithm to select the most informative images to label in order to reduce the overal labelling cost.


I’m attending 36th International Conference on Machine Learning ICML at Long Beach,CA,USA!


My paper A Machine Learning Approach to Classifying Self-Reported Health Status in a cohort of Patients with Heart Disease using Activity Tracker Data was accepted at IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics!


I’m atteding AMIA 2018 Annual Symposium for a poster presentation of my work mhealth at San Francisco, CA, USA!

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